“Protecting our Waterways” panel discussion
Thursday, September 14 @ 6:30 pm.
This is a community event and there is no charge to attend. Walk-ins are welcome, but to help us plan, please RSVP by emailing Mary Ann Moeri at mmoeri@gmail.com
Sebago and Lakes Region waterways are among the cleanest in the State of Maine and New England. PWD water quality is rated “excellent”, Sebago Lake is the drinking water for the City of Portland and has the unique distinction of a legal exemption from the filtration requirement of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Given the growth of the region, how can we protect the water quality now and into the future? What role do government agencies, municipalities, commercial and residential property owners and users of our waterways play to protect water quality? A panel of waterway experts will discuss water biology, ecology, property owner responsibility and governance as it relates to maintaining the health of our waterways here in the Lakes Region.
- Nathan Whalen, Water Resources Specialist, Portland Water District
- Wendy Garland, Division Director for Environmental Assessment in our Water Bureau, ME Dept of Environmental Protection
- Jess Fay/Tim Nangle, ME House and Senate Representatives
- Alex Sirois Code Enforcement Officer and Chris Henson, Asst Code Enforcement Officer, Town of Raymond
- Lauren Pickford, Planning and Land Use Manager, Lakes Environmental Association
Refreshments will be served. This is a community event hosted by Hawthorne House in Raymond. There is no fee for attending; however, donations to the restoration fund for Hawthorne House are appreciated.