Let’s Gather at the Hawthorne House and Walk Down Memory Lane:
Raymond Cape – As It Once Was…
Sunday, September 17, 2023, 4:00 pm
Light pot luck supper
Let’s gather together and share our stories of growing up on Raymond Cape, in South Casco and in the surrounding area. We can share and record memories and history while there are still folks around who remember the good old days. There are already about a dozen people who want to speak of their memories. Please come and listen or participate.
There will be a light pot luck supper. You may bring a contribution if you would like, but it is not required.
Contributors and interested people can have a bite to eat and talk about the Cape as they remember it. There will be a slide presentation of old photos running in the background that will hopefully spur on memories and conversations.
After folks have had a chance to meet, eat and talk, a leader will circulate a microphone to the tables and ask people to share. It should be a heart-warming gathering of old neighbors and friends.
Together we can build a library of memories of Raymond Cape…as it once was.