
Join The Hawthorne Association Today!

Membership – Please click on the “Donate” button below and use your credit card or Paypal to submit your annual membership.  $10 per individual, or $20 per family/household. If you prefer to send by regular mail, CLICK HERE to download the membership form.  And do include your email so we can reduce costs.  

Please – if you donate more than the membership level, it will be credited to the Kitchen renovation, 2025.  Please consider ‘ramping up’ your membership!  Thank you.

The Hawthorne Association is open to all, and has averaged between 150 and 200 members for most of its history. All that is required is annual payment of $10 in dues per individual, or $20 per family/household.  Annual memberships run from July 1st – June 30th, give or take.  

Benefits include:

  • Quarterly newsletters about Association activities, principally the Strawberry Festival in June, the BBQ in August and the Christmas party in December.
  • Direct participation in the preservation of this historic building.
  • Discounted rental rates!  The Hawthorne House is available for rent for your gathering:Members and non-profts rental fee is $25 per hour.
    Non-members rental fee is $50 per hour.
    Two hour minimum

Membership to Hawthorne Association Raymond, MEMany members make tax-deductible contributions over and above the minimum, and take satisfaction in knowing that their charitable dollars are going to a good cause.  100% of all dues and donations go directly to maintain the house and pay for direct expenses, such as utilities and mailing costs. All “management” is done by volunteers. 

In addition to its historic preservation mission, the Association provides a great way to meet other residents of the Raymond Cape area in an informal social setting.  We traditionally hold a Strawberry Festival in June, a Chicken Barbecue in August and a pot luck Christmas Party in December.  Other events, such as yard sales, are also organized from time to time.

We are proud of our local landmark, and invite you to join our efforts to continue maintaining this historic building.  The bonus is having an opportunity to socialize with your neighbors!