It Is Strawberry Festival Time! June 24, 2023

It Is Time for Our Famous and Popular
Strawberry Festival!

Saturday, June 24th   6:00 – 7:45 pm 

~ The absolute best!
~ Homemade strawberry shortcake and chocolate dipped strawberries.
~ Coffee and punch included.
Walk-ins are welcome, but please make a reservation to help our planning.   Seats will be go to reservation people first.  Please e-mail or call Becky at 207-329-0537. 


Our special guest speaker will be Chris Hanson who is the Code Enforcement Officer in the Town of Raymond.  Chris is actively working hard to protect the beauty of the Raymond land and its picturesque lake and pond shorelines. He works to ensure that new houses and buildings do not diminish the landscape or damage our natural resources.
He will share success stories, concerns, and he will answer your questions about what you see happening around you. His good work benefits us all in Raymond.  
Donation is  $15.00 per adult and $5.00 per child (8 and under).  
 Please pay at the door. 
The deadline to make a reservation for the Strawberry Fesival is Monday, June 19th!  Again, To reserve, please e-mail  or call Becky at 207-329-0537.