Buy a Brick ~ Build a Kitchen ~

The Hawthorne House Pop-up Kitchen Fundraiser is ON!

~Buy a brick~build a kitchen~

The Hawthorne House is a community treasure and it is being used more and more.  In 2025 the House will have an art show, musical presentations, and watch-parties along with our classics such as the Strawberry Festival and the Christmas pot luck.

A better, functioning kitchen will help welcome more events and better food. Presently the House kitchen is a mess without shelf space, cabinetry, or adequate electrical outlets.  For pot lucks, donut dunks, and watch-party snacks – we need a better provisioned kitchen.

One  engraved brick needs a contribution of $300.  You may memorialize anything.  Loved ones, favorite quotes, or any matters close to your heart.  Heck!  Why not spell out, “LIFE IS GRAND?”

The form has all the information: How to submit your legacy words, and how to submit your contribution.  

After printing and filling out the request form you may scan it and email it to

Or, you may snail mail it  to:   
Hawthorne Community Association
P.O. Box 185
South Casco, ME 04077

You may send a check to this address or you may submit your contribution online.

To pay online, click  below.